EverPatcher 5.6.0

Community patcher to get EverSD work with firmware 3.0.0 and RetroArch.
This version is for the original handheld only!

Download Community Patcher

EverLoader 2.4.1

EverLoader is an open source application to sync games easily to your MicroSD.
It will auto scrape boxarts, screenshots, game descriptions taken from TheGamesDB!


  • Sync your games with your MicroSD easily
  • Auto scrape boxart, screenshots/banners and game descriptions
  • Add button map descriptions
  • Auto add missing cores
  • Add your own desired cartridge name
  • Able to run games directly into Retroarch
  • Drag and drop games directly in EverLoader
  • Select your desired core to run the game
  • Automatically show the proper game name for zipped MAME rom files
  • Folder support
  • Custom wallpapers inside folders

Planned features:

  • RGB Lightbar control


We advise installing RetroArch using EverSD X-TRA.
The files below are only needed if you want to install it manually without the use of EverSD X-TRA.

Download the RetroArch below and extract it to the root folder of your MicroSD card to turn EverSD into a fully blown RetroArch!

Download RetroArch v2.5

You can download the "retroarch.cfg" configuration file below.
This is needed if you broke or just want to update your current config file of your RetroArch.

Both handheld en VS versions are included. Just download and replace the files on your MicroSD card.

Custom Theme

Download the custom theme for Evercade and Evercade VS

Download and extract the zip to the root of your MicroSD card.
You can replace the images, fonts, music, boot video and the language file to your own likings, however don't change the filenames (it's also case sensitive)!
Insert the EverSD in your console before booting to apply your custom theme. (Select it in the Settings)

Note: The custom theme is not permanent, so there's no need to worry if something goes wrong.
Just boot your console without the EverSD inserted (or delete/rename the customtheme directory from your MicroSD card that is inside the eversd directory) to not enable your custom theme.
If you want to see your custom language, please select English as the system language.


Download Emulators for use with Firmware 2.X.X and 3.0.0 (use EverPatcher to make it work)

EverController 1.0

Use EverController to add the ability to use external controllers with the EverSD USB Hub.
Note: You need to use Retroarch in order to take advantage of the extrernal controller support.